I often wonder how God can love the people of this world.

There’s so much hate and violence, and now Covid19!

Many of us know to do good but do not… While some just simply do not know.

Morality is the one thing I will argue until death, CANNOT be realized or explained outside of Christ.

Jesus was and is the only answer to the moral question: “What’s right and what’s wrong?”

Same is true for suffering…

Nothing we face here on earth compares to the agony Jesus endured upon that rugged cross.

Although His humanity cried out, “Abba, why have You forsaken me?”

The Truth replied, “Forgive them for they know not what they do…”

Jesus had to separate His pain from His purpose and that was and still is to love us unconditionally.

Never did He ever, choose not to choose us… even while He flipped over the money changer table in the temple.

He still loved us.

Even during that last supper, immediately following the foot-washing of His disciples, only to witness Judas escape with lucifer in his heart.

Betrayal did not sway Him…

Nor Denial, three times before the rooster’s crow…

The beating, spitting, cursing, rejecting…

Nor nailing, hanging, piercing or mocking…

NOTHING prevented Jesus from laying down His life for us all!

So, family…

“I am persuaded that NOTHING can separate me from the love of Christ” Romans 8:38-39

And that is truly why I love Him!

Because He LOVES me!!!!!๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’š

To hear more reasons why… click the image below!

Be encouraged ๐Ÿ’š
