This song blessed me so much that I had to share.

The words resonated so deeply in my heart…

There were many nights I ask myself and God, this very question.

“How can I love anyone, when I can’t even love myself?”

God answered me and said, “When you learn to let Me love you, then you will know how to love yourself…”

Ya’ll know, I’ve been through so much loss and heartache but God has truly loved me through it all.

I had to allow God to love me and be filled with His amazing love to understand how and why I must continue to love others…

Yes, even when they don’t or can’t love me back!

God will always choose me and that has to be enough!

And the sooner you realize that, God
will allow others to follow suit.

Don’t get complacent in the love and grace of God by desiring love from the world.

God is truly all you need!

And when you are ready,  He will send that person(s) who value you the same way and wants to share with you the very same love God has shared with them.

So be encouraged!!

God will not fail you!

Until then, know that

Jesus will:

“Pray for me,  Won’t turn away from me…
When I push Him away from me, He’ll stay right here with me…”


That’s love…

Click the image below to hear more…


Music credit to “Can’t Love Myself ” by Unspoken