When we lose a relationship that was valuable to us, we experience death.

Divorce is certainly one of the hardest forms of death and will often take its toll on all persons involved.

Where there is death, there will be grief and it has seven stages:

Shock and denial. This is a state of disbelief and numbed feelings.

Pain and guilt. You may feel that the loss is unbearable and that you’re making other people’s lives harder because of your feelings and needs.

Anger and bargaining. You may lash out, telling God or a higher power that you’ll do anything they ask if they’ll only grant you relief from these feelings.

Depression. This may be a period of isolation and loneliness during which you process and reflect on the loss.

The upward turn. At this point, the stages of grief like anger and pain have died down, and you’re left in a more calm and relaxed state.

Reconstruction and working through. You can begin to put pieces of your life back together and carry forward.

Acceptance and hope. This is a very gradual acceptance of the new way of life and a feeling of possibility in the future.” (Healthline.com)

Although the order is not always this way, the stages usually come at some point during your process.

The good news is that recovery is probable and effective!

I went through and still going through these stages and God is present every step of the way!

life isn’t over and you WILL BREATHE AGAIN!


GOD has already made a way and the future is bright!

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