Jehovah El Gemuwal : The Lord of Recompense

Recompense means to give back in return. But this can be tricky because it also means, theologically speaking, to NOT give what is deserved.

Jehovah El Gemuwal encompasses both meanings in His nature.

And thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee; for thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just” Luke 14:14, NIV

Jesus teaches us the value and goodness of giving to and doing for others without the expectation of reward. There is a linkage to His likeness when we genuinely care for others.

However, Scripture says,

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me” Matthew 5:11, NIV …and

“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” Romans 12:21, NIV.

God instructs us NOT to give back in return the harm that have been given to us. This too reveals God’s likeness in us.

When we follow Christ’s lead, God declares that He will restore all that was taken or destroyed and more.

And that beloved (in my Godmommy’s voice) is RECOMPENSE!

Listen… Testimony Time 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

When I tell you I was humiliated and crushed PUBLICLY!! I had only a sliver a hope which was deferred thus making my heart sick! But as I leaned on God in my heartache and contrite spirit, He covered me! Slowly, God mended every broken piece in my life! See, not only did my then husband walked out while I was deployed, I lost my decoration, money, promotion was affected, I had to cover a home that was chosen with two income and maintain it with one, I lost my mind for a spell, dignity, womanhood, and I almost lost my faith! After I returned January 2020, I lost my stepdad and niece two moths later.

I had to retire from the military because my mental and physical capacity could no longer endure. I barely finished my Masters degree because my final 4 classes were in the midst of my brokenheart and grief and I could not focus. My GPA dropped significantly and partially hindered me from the doctoral program I wanted.

But God…

Since then, I was able to walk straight into a Clinical Pastoral Education Internship at a trauma hospital, the network was so favorable, I secured a job with the top leading hospice and bereavement organization in pediatric grief services. People far more qualified were passed over for me!! The trauma I endured, was essential to my 100% VA rating! Not only have I been able to sustain every single bill, God has abundantly blessed me financially and professionally!

My ministry has blossomed and I have been adopted into a church family that loves, supports, teaches, and equips me in every inch of my anointing and purpose!!! My books are flowing and I’ve started my MDIV in Chaplaincy for Healrhcare! See, God purposed my pain in such a way that it qualified me for where God was taking me. I write curriculum for grief education and have impacted families throughout 8 counties in NC.

And what I thought I would never experience again, I am loved. I was so ashamed of having multiple failed marriages, I had decided that I would remain alone. I accepted the lie that I was “hard to love.” But God said not so! I can be loved and it is easy. And now, 3 years after I was crushed in Baghdad, I’m in love again! And my fiancé and I have truly been blessed! We have a new home being built to accommodate our new life together on the horizon! God is truly FAITHFUL!!

Lastly, I was so worried that hatred and bitterness would consume me after the divorce. But it hasn’t. Since then, forgiveness has won me over and coparenting is cordial. A sincere apology was given and accepted! Today, we are in a great place as parents to our daughter.

Recompense is my portion!

I share this not from malice or boast but because I believe in transparency. And more importantly, testimony is powerful and facilitates hope! “We overcome (him) by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony!” (Rev 12:11, KJV) I have personally experienced this and can attest to it.

God is giving it all back and then some! Restoration and Recompense is your portion, says the Lord! Hold on and rest in the God’s hand! Suffering is only but a season… and if you faint not, God is just and will restore everything you lost and more!


Hallelujah!! Thank You, Jesus!!!!!

Be encouraged! 💚