“And they overcame him [the enemy] the blood of the Lamb, and word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death …” Revelations 12:11 (KJV)

This is the place where we share our testimonies. Tell me how God’s Ink has impacted your faith! I want to hear all that God has done in your life! Whether major or minor; big or small …

Let’s share with one another how God brought us over!

I’ll go first!

I’ve been writing since I was a child. It has always been a skill and a passion. Once I decided “for real this time,” to give my life to Christ and render Him an “honest yes,” doors opened! I finished my revisions for my first book and turned it into a real piece of work! I was actually proud of myself! And just like that … MrsGreenInk was born! God showed me in detail exactly what I am called to do! Purpose–its a crazy thing; especially when you know its God-given and God-driven!

And go:

And what about you sis? Tell me how Jesus changed your life this week? How did Jesus come through one more time for the Kingdom?

I truly meant to post this earlier but I got busy!! Here’s to my #WCW. This woman takes the time to pray with me in the mornings, teach me through her Morning Dews, make me laugh uncontrollably about the silliest things, and is a whole woman of God. I’m so thankful for you and the blessings you bring. The days you prayed the hardest with me were the days I needed you most and you didnt even know it. #AintGodAlright! #MyWCW”

Winter Williams
Posted May 30, 2019

“Sis Marquia Green I am being so blessed and enlightening by this book. Chapter 5 my Lord was a revelation for me. I am actually buying more copies to give out as gifts. I love the questions in the book … They really make you go back to God in prayer and listen to Him.”

LaTanya Cooper-Carpenter 
Posted November 12, 2019

Hey there mister! I know God’s been super good to you! Let’s hear it all about it! What’s your story?
