“OUCH! God, that hurt!”

Is not that just like us?

We live our lives, mistake after mistake, hurting the heart of God but the moment we stump our toe…

“OUCH! God, what is that all about?!”

Theodicy is the attempt to explain why a good God allows evil to exist.

In the world of Christian apologetics–the defense of the Christian faith, this question is known as the “problem of evil.”

This problem is primarily the number one argument posed by atheist and agnostics.

For some reason, humanity has developed the notion that our reason and emotion warrants an explanation and/or consideration of the Supreme God.

Because of our fallen nature, it is plausible that we lack goodness because of the evil we participate in and allow.

But this is not the same with God…

We are NOT sovereign.  So, we lack the prerogative to exclusively hold the authority to create, know, and see all things.

What then when we are in error or missing an important moral or spiritual piece of the puzzle?

How does God gain our attention to redirect it towards the appropriate place of contention?


It points to areas that need our attention.

Sometimes we need to feel pain to dig deeper to discover the real problem.

When we pierce our barefoot on a rusty nail, the pain it produces let’s us know many things:

1. Walking without shoes to protect our feet can be harmful.

2. There are dangerous and/or harmful items on the ground where we walk. Depending upon the location, some things may or may not be appropriate for that circumstance. (Ex. Rusty nails may not be suitable to a park or a gym).

3. There is something there that is out of place or foreign to the location. (i.e., rusty nail)

4. A foreign object has infiltrated the skin and wounded the foot.

5. Isolate the wound and protect the rest of the body from infection.

Pain is our alarm system!

God allows pain to inform us of a greater problem.

Sometimes, it is a problem within us…

Or an issue within someone else (moral sins against one another)

But either way, pain reveals a need to dive within and address a deeper problem.

Click the link below to learn more…
