So many of us experience some form of humiliation over the course of life.
It’s often in our most intimate spaces like relationships, careers, or childhood.
Sometimes they bear wounds that cut so deep they never truly heal without divine intervention.
Personally, I am in this very place, depending on God to supply all my needs.
The hardest part is when you do not feel or see God moving.
Sometimes God answer is silent and we have to trust the Word of God to bring revelation.
We have to lean not on our own understanding but trust God in all His ways, assured that He will direct our path.
Many nights our tears soil our pillows and our cries become the echo in the room …
What then do we do when our lives.have been ridiculed and mocked by the very ones we love?
Forgive? But they are STILL hurting us!
Pray? But our hearts are full of resentment.!
Love? But they repeatedly tell you, show you, drill to you that they DO NOT LOVE YOU!
God says …
“70 times 7 …”
“Pray without ceasing …”
“Love endures all until the end …”
I do not have all the answers nor have I always gotten life right ..
His grace is sufficient and His love is everlasting!
He has promised in His word that He is our vindicator! And vengeance is His and just!
Wait on the Lord! Even if it takes everything you have left!
Wait I say …
Endure the weight of the wait!
God WILL vindicate you amd exhort your at the table amongst every person that humiliated and shamed you!
Be of good courage in knowing
God is still God!
Click the image to hear my testimony