Afternoon Showers

Articles on Biblical dynamics of the Christian faith. The What, Why, When, Where, and How We Believe in Jesus Christ.

Academic Essays of Theological Principles Every Bible-Believer Should Know!

Numbered Not Counted!

Matt 10:29-31 ESV
“Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”

God says you’re valuable!

It’s not about how many…

Or the quantity,

But rather how much…

Your value!

Catch that!

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Stay encouraged

Blessings 💚

Martin Luther by R.C. Sproul …

“Love God? Sometimes, I hate Him!”

By far, this is one of the most POWERFUL portrayals of Martin Luther I have EVER heard!

Haven’t we all been at the point in life that our best just wasn’t good enough …

Sure, we know our righteousness is but filthy rags, Lord but …

“Can’t You see I’m trying?”

Pressing and crying …

Crying and pressing …


Praying and fasting …

Confessing and repenting …


Screaming and believing …

Trusting and dying …

“God, is there any more I can offer You?”

Sitting and waiting …

Listening and hearing …

“God, here I am …”

Basking and praising …

My worship I give to Thee …

“God, thank You for not giving up on me!”

Be encouraged …

For R.C. Sproul, click the image …

My Theological Reflection Journal

“Why God?” Understanding the Doctrine of God

“The past few courses leading to the conclusion of my degree plan all have dealt with me personally. It is clear to me that God is speaking very specifically through the assignments I have encountered thus far. This course will follow suit. The mere fact that it is the final course and coincides with what I believe to be ‘my coming out season.’

The biggest storm of my life emerged in the early part of November 2019 and the billows have raged ever since. What seemed to be the eye of the storm devastated me during Systematic Theology II. What was ironic were the choices for the final paper and the selection God made for me.

On a normal day, I would steer straight towards Jesus and His Bema Seat of Judgment or hover over my all-time favorite, Trinity motif. But not this time. I heard God very clearly suggest, ‘Forgiveness.’ Being the candid, transparent minister I am, I have no shame in disclosing my war with divorce. A text message sent over Iraqi wifi, served me with a surprise only a month into my tour in Baghdad. But it was not alone, but accompanied with records of indiscretions and adultery, leaving me with the very question at hand: ‘Why God?’

Now you understand the irony in God’s choice for my final research paper. I struggled because what I discovered would nip directly at my own soul and will. God certainly has a sense of humor.

And then there was Hermeneutics. Learning to engage biblical text properly, setting in context both the author and audience was a breath of fresh air. It forced me to consider the environment, time, and situation happening for both author and audience. Once again, I heard God’s voice ask me to consider all the characters in my own horror story. Considering, I had just indulged in a 19-page revelation arguing how divine forgiveness is authorized and mandated for believers. And I am in fact, a believer.

Now, God turns it up a notch with the list in Hermeneutics. Ephesians 5:21-33 leaped off the paper and I immediately refused. Surely, God would not torture me with the roles and responsibilities of marriage as it relates to the Passion of Christ. I was wrong, God most certainly would and did.

I say all this to conclude that I am definitely looking to experience God in my last course. I have only two questions and the first was addressed in the first module, ‘Why God?’ The second, derives from the answer that I believe I already know and that is, “How do I manage this pain?” I understand theodicy–existence of evil in the presence of a good God, academically and theologically, but I struggle with it personally. And again, I am a believer. I know God is still good and sovereign, even in the midst of my suffering. I even understand that ‘all things work together for the good of those who love God and called according to His purpose’ (Romans 8:28).

But yet, my heartache still screams, ‘Why, God!’

Somehow, I am still convinced, that by the end of my last course, I will experience God in such a way that I can accept the answers that I am certain I already know.

Knowing God is how Dr. William Lane Craig introduces the Doctrine of God in his lecture at his Defenders Sunday school class. Dr. Craig breaks down this concept into two categories: Infinite and personal.[1] How we know God is how we study God which sums up our relationship and experiences with God. My knowing of God as the transcendent supreme being, who is far beyond my reasonable depth of understanding is easy to swallow heartache and suffering.

However, my personal relationship with God as the immanent supreme being who relates personally to my heartache and suffering is much more difficult for my reason to understand or accept. I believe it is not my understanding that is hindered but my willingness to accept a heartache such as this. In ‘America’s Four Gods,’ Paul Froese and Christopher Bader provide a variety of illustrations of God perceived by different people.

The two authors suggest that God is perceived in humanity as four types: Authoritative, Benevolent, Critical, and Distant which also describes the character of the individual.[2]

Considering my thoughts on the question, ‘Why God,’ I believe I fall into the Authoritative perception of God. I can see all four perspectives in moments of my life but overall, my knowing of God rests in His authority to judge and love me unconditionally. It is a balance that keeps me from veering towards a solely wrathful God and a solely wavering God. I believe the expression of God’s love can feel painful but is still for our good and His ultimate purpose.”

[1] William Lane Craig, Doctrine of God Part 1: An Introduction, Reasonable Faith (lecture, Defenders Reasonable Faith Sunday School, February 16, 2015) (accessed July 3, 2020).

[2] Paul Froese and Christopher Bader, America’s Four Gods: What We Say About God & What That Says About Us (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015) 24.

Academic assignment submitted at Liberty University School of Divinity

Click the image below to hear my teaching on the Doctrine of God

Your Breakthrough is Around the Corner!

Have you ever had a breakthrough right around the corner but you have reached your wit’s end?

Well I have!

Every time you gain a revelation or step out in ministry, FOOLISHNESS meets you at the door!

“Geez! Can ya girl get a break, Lord?!”

Why is it when you press, the enemy pulls the most punches?

Oh that’s easy …

Because he, Satan, does not want you to know your breakthrough is right around the corner!

As soon as your enemy hears that you have received your anointing, they set out against you …

1 Chronicles 14:8-17 ESV

“When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel, all the Philistines went up to search for David. But David heard of it and went out against them. Now the Philistines had come and made a raid in the Valley of Rephaim. And David inquired of God, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will you give them into my hand?” And the Lord said to him, “Go up, and I will give them into your hand.” And he went up to Baal-perazim, and David struck them down there. And David said, “God has broken through my enemies by my hand, like a bursting flood.” Therefore the name of that place is called Baal-perazim. And they left their gods there, and David gave command, and they were burned.”

When King David learned of the Philistines’ (his enemy) plot against him, rather than respond in fear or complaint, he set out for their defeat.

But how?

David did not just approached his adversary with no plan or weapon, but he consulted God for his victory.

See, David knew that if “God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31

God answered David assuring him that if he goes up against his enemy, God will defeat them by his hand.

What does that mean?

When we walk out our anointing and approach our adversary, God will use our anointing to BREAKTHROUGH in victory!

So, I say to you saints …



Click the image below to hear more…

Love Suffers, And Love Endures …

The enemy will use any and everything to try to steal, kill, and destroy you. What he is after is your soul-will, mind, and emotions. And he will do WHATEVER to gain control over it to cause you to do, say, and operate unbecoming of a follower of Christ.

Lest you be fooled.

The moment you think lashing out and hurting others will bring you solace will be the moment the devil laughs in your face.

Trust me I know.

I have and will continue to endure because eventhough I’ve made mistakes, my love is long-suffering and it endures, even until the end.

God has allowed it, so that I may learn and become better for His glory.

All I can say is, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”

I promise you, everything we sow, becomes a harvest.

God operates in this form: seed, sow, harvest.

We often make the mistake of expecting our promises to look just like we imagine and we expect a tree but get a seed.

It is still your promise …God is requiring you to do some work. “Faith without work is dead.” James 2:17

I saw a post that said, “God removes to replace”… People, that is a lie from the pit of hell.


“God, your God, will restore everything you lost; he’ll have compassion on you; he’ll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered.” DEUT. 30:3.

God doesn’t replace ANYTHING because His Word NEVER returns to us void. God will remove and restore His Will that it shall come to pass.

The problem is, WE get in the way and try to help God. I know I’ve been guilty of that.

So please don’t keep letting satan lie to you that he may steal your blessing.

Because the grass is NEVER GREENER on the other side my friends! Only the grass that is watered maintains its color.

And regret…😥 is far worse than the pains of working where you are. I’m not saying to stay in a relationships that have adultery, desertion, or abuse, but I am saying be sure it’s the will of God and not your will of emotions.

Unfortunately I am still learning about this thing called love but I believe I have finally gotten it right!

We cannot make anybody love us and to do so is foolish and will exhaust you.

God has called us to love everyone, even our enemies, with the same love He has for each and every one of us.

But why is it so hard to do?

Two words: Patience and Suffering

The world teaches us that love doesn’t hurt but God says, love is long-suffering and it endures.

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.

Prophecy and speaking in unknown languages and special knowledge will become useless. But love will last forever!” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 (NLT)

That’s the very part that we HATE because it hurts!

Everything God does is in love and it will require patience (waiting) and enduring (remaining until the end).

It is all a battle for our souls…and that thing is full of the OPPOSITE of patience and endurance.

The soul consists of three things: human will, emotions, and the mind.

The will wants what it wants when it want it, the mind is quickly persuaded and requires renewal, and the emotions are temporal and often misdirected.

And all three of those influence the heart!

So, the ONLY way to overcome is to learn to wait and endure.

But why do we need to love, really?

1. Because God loves and we are made in His image.

2. Christ has commanded us to:

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31

3. Lastly, love teaches patience which is the source of waiting. And waiting is necessary for Christ’s second coming to bring salvation.

Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.” Hebrews 9:28

God is watching how we wait to see if we pass the test and are ready for salvation. He must be sure we can become a prepared people who eagerly awaits Him. 🙌🏾😭💚

Ya’ll, I had this thing all wrong.

I thought it was about my happiness… my promise from God…

my relationships…

my career…

my family…

My needs…But this thing is truly about salvation!

Can I wait and endure for the things in this world? Can I wait for my marriage to work, my career to get better, or my ministry to kick off???

God says, if you can’t even wait for those things ma’am…

The very things I’ve showed you were yours…

How then can you wait on my Son?

Don’t do me like that Jesus!! 😫😭

But what a powerful question to ponder!

Are you able to wait patiently and eagerly for the Lord’s return?

Can you endure through long-suffering and still hold on to the promises of God?

Or does the moment the pressure turns up you’re ready to through in the towel?

Is your start always bigger than your finish?

If so, you have work to do beloved!

Trust ya girl, I know! God has broken my heart to see if I can walk out my purpose.

He is testing to see if I will lay my promise down to be sacrificed and still keep my faith for a ram in the bush.

Let us pray …

Our Father, who at in heaven, hallow it be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily bread. Forgive us if our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.

God be with your people, for we often know not what we do. Help us to understand that “For His anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” Psalms 30:5. Help us to operate in YOUR Word and trust You to be the God, Your Word says You Are! 🙌🏾😭💚

It is in Your Son’s name Jesus we pray and declare it is already done. Amen and amen.

The outward expression of a prepared man of God.

Be encouraged!


“Trinity: One What; Three Who’s Revealed in the Eternal Sonship and Commission of Jesus Christ”

Who is the God of the Christians? Is it God the Father? God the Son? or God the Holy Spirit?

How can we [Christians] believe in One God but worship what seems to be three?

These are typical questions I’ve gotten over the course of my Christendom and its one that requires an answer.

Can we definitively answer how the Triune God is One and Three?

The answer is yes!

CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW to read my academic research on the “TRINITY”

Note: These are my thoughts and does not express the thoughts of the University to which they were submitted.

Understanding Culture and the Gospel

While pursuing my Master’s of Theological Studies, I had to take a Global Studies class on Culture. It was a very interesting course as it broaden my perspective when it came to understanding how and why people believe they way they do. The purpose of this class was to enhance our CQ or cultural knowledge as we evangelized the Gospel to all diversities.

I thought I was pretty well versed in diversity since I had the esteemed privilege to travel the world with the US Military. It turned out I was somewhat right–my CQ was very high in awareness and adaptation to other cultures. But I lacked quite a bit in the application.

But how do I merge my military experience of cultural knowledge with spreading the Good News?

This Afternoon Shower Article will introduce you all to the world of Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Cross-Cultural Communication. Discover what I discovered when it is brought together with the Christian Gospel.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ) and Cross-Cultural Communication will serve as a great addition to your Christian Study and Apologetic toolbox.


CLICK THE IMAGE BELOW to read “Understanding Culture and the Gospel”

Note: These are my thoughts and does not express the thoughts of the University to which they were submitted.