To my sisters/brothers who are hurting from wounds by others:

“Dear Sis/Bro,

Trust me sis/bro, I UNDERSTAND! But I can tell you that God sees all! And HE WILL AND IS DEALING with them!!! Hold your peace and pray for them.

Again, trust that I know its easier said than done. But sis/bro, when I tell you, the moment I cried out and truly gave my pain to God, I could see Him working for my good! Vindication does not even capture what God is doing in my life!!

And yes, it still hurts at times…mostly when I compare their audacity to my character. But it’s in that very moment that God reveals how much He must trust me to endure such evil. See, that’s when you can see that “greater is He that is in you, than he that’s in the world!”

Please know, that all the glitz and glamour that they portray is only smoke to hide the truth that dwells within. Trust they are exposed and the truth of who they are doesn’t hold any comparison to you!

So chin up my sister/brother, walk in VICTORY!!!


I love you!💚”