“Jesus answered her, If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked of him and he would have given you living water.” John 4:10 (NIV)

Each month will be packed with a wealth of knowledge to add to your Biblical Study Tool Box:

  • Daily Morning Dews: Spirit-led thoughts and conversation concerning believers and their spiritual walk with Christ. Dissect the Word of God in dialogue with God’s Ink on topics that are hot on most Christian’s mind.
  • Afternoon Showers: Articles on Biblical dynamics of the Christian faith. The What, Why, When, Where, and How we believe in Jesus Christ. Academic essays of theological principles every Bible-Believer should know!
  • Rain Drops: Step-by-step instructions to defend your Christian faith. Learn how to prepare with the Sword of God.
  • Prayer Blizzards: Devotionals, fasting, corporate and individual prayer communities where we can all come together and cover one another.
  • Hurricane Live:He Married a Minister” Online Reality TV with God’sInk. Witness how life with Jesus is just as fun, outrageous, fulfilling, and purposeful as life in the world. But is real enough to demonstrate that suffering knows all people. Get to know how God’s Ink and her family copes with life and trials yet still serve the Lord. Experience Ladies Tea Time and Fellas in Christ’s Online Talk Show as it uncovers the joys of living for Christ. Discuss hot topics that every Christian will face and learn how others made it through. Adelphé TV explores the power and anointing of three sisters all walking in ministry and their love of Christ. Stay abreast of their crazy sisterhood and devotion to honor God in all they do.
Living Water